Complementary products

essential for the best access


When you want to customize your foot grille, floor mat or roof hatch, we’re your first-choice destination. Whether you’re looking for frames, recessed wells, accessories, or options, we have the perfect add-ons to make your entryway stand out. Our wide variety of add-ons will heighten the safety and style of your facilities, not to mention making maintenance easier. One of our representatives will be delighted to guide you in your search for add-on products.

Our complementary products

For roof hatches



Product to come.


The cylinder makes it easier to open and close the roof hatch cover.

Safety post

The safety post provides support to make it easier for persons to go into and out of the roof hatch. 


The guardrail is a personal protective barrier.


The catch keeps the cover open 90 degrees.



R4 to R20.

You have

BOLAR is committed to providing products of exceptional quality, custom-made to meet your specific needs, with innovative designs that guarantees your utmost satisfaction.

Les grilles gratte-pieds sont conçues pour protéger l’entrée des édifices de la saleté.

Systèmes permanents ou temporaires, retiens la saleté à l’entrée avant qu’elles ne créent des risques ou n’endommagent votre précieux revêtement de sol.

Facilite l’accès au toit pour le remplacement et la mise en place d’équipements ultralourds et volumineux au sol.

BOLAR is committed to providing products of exceptional quality, custom-made to meet your specific needs, with innovative designs that guarantees your utmost satisfaction.

Contact us now to make your project a guaranteed success!

We’ve been making
distinctive entrances
for over 75 years